Association "International Association of Defense Products Manufacturers" statutes
The Statutes were approved at the General Meeting of the Members on 1 May 2024.
- General provisions
- The name of the Association is the Association "International Association of Defense Products Manufacturers" (hereinafter - the Association).
- The period of activity of the association is unlimited.
- Purpose and activity of the association
- The objectives of the association are:
- unite companies of the same industry, professionals of the industry in order to promote the development of the economic sector of defence production producers, represent the interests of its members, promote the exchange of experience;
- to represent the interests of members in state and local government bodies, European Union structures and organizations, in relations with other legal entities, organizations and their associations both in the Republic of Latvia and abroad;
- to promote the cooperation of members with state and local government bodies, including defence administration bodies, defence specialists and research institutes;
- promote the development of regulatory acts for the production of Latvian defence products, to improve defence product production regulation and promote state support for defence product manufacturers;
- achieve the identification of defence product production as one of the state's priority sectors of the national economy.
- explain to the public the importance of the development of the defence production industry, advertise it, distribute information relevant to the industry (including advertisement and other printed publications);
- to summarize the business experience of defence production manufacturers, performance results;
- to strengthen cooperation with foreign embassies, defence attachés, in order to promote the support of NATO and European Union countries to defence product manufacturers;
- to promote cooperation with the defence forces of NATO and European Union countries.
- The association is a legal entity. The association has the right to acquire property and non-property rights in its own name and to assume obligations, to be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.
- In order to achieve the set goals, the association has the right to perform any activities that do not contradict the law, including freely distributing information about its activities, organizing meetings, conferences, seminars, as well as performing other public activities.
- The association performs economic activity in accordance with the "Law on Associations and Foundations".
- For the implementation of the above-mentioned goals, the Association:
- cooperates and builds public relations with other non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, state and local government services and institutions;
- develops action and support programs, as well as proposals for changes in regulatory acts;
- attracts additional financing from funds, state institutions, non-governmental organizations and other persons;
- involves mass information means for expressing, popularizing and achieving the goals of the Association;
- performs any other actions that do not contradict the law and the provisions of these statutes.
- The objectives of the association are:
- Joining and withdrawing members of the association, Register of members
- An application for joining the Association can be submitted by any legally competent natural and legal person or legal partnership, which is interested in the Association's activities and undertakes to comply with the Association's statutes and the member's duties defined therein.
- To join the Association, the applicant must submit a written application to the Board of the Association. The application form and the list of documents to be attached to it, as well as the criteria by which the applicant's admission to the Association is decided, are determined by the Board of the Association.
- The decision on admitting a member to the Association is made by the Board. The board must consider the applicant's application during the next meeting. If necessary, the applicant is invited to the meeting of the Board, where the applicant's application is considered, in order to hear his presentation. The absence of the applicant is not an obstacle to the adoption of the Board's decision. The decision of the board must be notified to the applicant in writing within a week from the moment of its adoption. The board does not have to justify its decision.
- In case of negative decision of the board, the applicant can appeal it to the members' meeting. If the meeting of members also rejects the applicant's request, a repeated application can be submitted no sooner than after 12 months.
- A member may withdraw from the Association by notifying the Board in writing.
- A member can be expelled from the Association by the decision of the Board, if:
- the member has not paid the membership fee more than 6 (six) months after the due date;
- the member does not comply with the decisions of the Members' meeting, the Board;
- the member does not fulfil his duties and obligations;
- the member performs activities that contradict the provisions of these statutes.
- The Board examines the issue of expulsion of a member of the Association during the next meeting, inviting the expelled member and giving him the floor to express his opinion. The non-appearance of the member to be expelled is not an obstacle to the adoption of the decision. The board must notify the member to be expelled in writing of the expulsion of a member from the association and the motivation of this decision within 5 (five) days from the moment of its acceptance.
- If the reasons for which the member has been excluded from the Association have been eliminated, he has the right to ask the Board to re-admit him as a member of the Association in accordance with the procedure set forth in the statutes.
- The member of the board keeps the register of members of the Association, in which the name, surname, personal identification number, residential address (name of legal entity, registration number and address) and the date of admission of the member to the Association are indicated.
- Rights and obligations of members
- The members of the association have the following rights:
- to participate in the management of the Association within the scope of the powers of the Members' Meeting specified in these statutes;
- receive information about the activities of the Association;
- participate in the events organized by the Association;
- based on the decision of the Board, to use the support of the Association for representation in state and local government institutions;
- to submit proposals regarding the Association's activities and its improvement and to receive substantive answers to the submitted questions.
- The duties of the members of the association are:
- to comply with the Association's statutes and to comply with the decisions of the Members' meetings, the Board;
- pay membership fees regularly and on time;
- to support the implementation of the Association's goals and tasks with its active cooperation;
- to hold the Association's good name in high regard and not allow actions that may harm the Association's reputation;
- not to disclose information that has become known to him as a member of the Association and is confidential;
- The members of the association may also have other obligations determined by the decision of the meeting of members and/or the board. Imposing obligations on a member that differ from those of other members requires the consent of that member.
- The members of the association have the following rights:
- Members' membership fee
The members of the association pay the membership fee, the amount and payment procedure of which is determined by the decision of the Board. - Structural units of the Association
Territorial and other structural units of the Association may be established by the decision of the meeting of members, whose rights and obligations are determined by the decision of the meeting of members. - Convening the meeting of members and making decisions
- All members of the association are entitled to participate in the members' meeting. Members can participate in the Members' Meeting personally or through their representatives. The authorization to participate and vote at the Members' Meeting shall be issued in writing and submitted to the Chairman of the Board before the Members' Meeting.
- The regular meeting of Members is convened once a year - no later than April 30.
- An extraordinary meeting of members may be convened at the initiative of the board or if requested in writing by not less than one-tenth of the members of the association, specifying the reason for the convening.
- The meeting of members is convened no later than 2 weeks before the meeting by sending a written invitation to each member.
- The meeting of members is decisive if more than half of the total number of members participate in it. Each member has one vote.
- If the Members' meeting is not decisive due to the lack of a quorum, a repeated Members' meeting is convened within 3 (three) weeks, which is entitled to make decisions regardless of the number of members present, provided that at least two members participate in it.
- The decision of the members' meeting is adopted if more than half of the members present vote for it. The decision on amendments to the statutes, termination and continuation of the Association's activities, reorganization of the Association, changes in the composition of the Board is adopted if more than two-thirds of the members present vote for it.
- The meeting of members of the association is entitled to:
- make amendments to the Association's statutes;
- approve the annual report of the Association prepared by the Board;
- to elect and recall a member of the Board;
- to decide on the liquidation or reorganization of the Association;
- to decide on other issues that have been submitted for consideration at the Members' Meeting at the suggestion of the Board.
- The meeting of members is chaired by a member of the Board. The meeting of members can elect another leader of the meeting. Minutes are taken of the members' meeting. The minutes are signed by the leader of the meeting and the recorder.
- Board of the Association
- The association is managed and represented by the board, which consists of 1 (one) member of the board.
- The board member has the right to represent the Association separately.
- Boards have the right to decide all issues that are not within the exclusive competence of the Members' Meeting.
- The Board of the Association manages and manages the affairs of the Association, manages the property of the Association and handles its funds and represents the Association in relations with third parties.
- For fulfilling the duties of the board, the member of the board receives compensation, the amount of which is determined by the meeting of members.
- Auditor
- The financial and economic activity of the association is controlled by an auditor, who is elected by the Council for one year.
- The auditor of the association cannot be a member of the board of the association.
- Auditor:
- conducts an audit of the Society's property and financial assets;
- gives an opinion on the Association's budget and annual report;
- evaluates the accounting and record-keeping work of the Association;
- provides recommendations on improving the financial and economic activities of the Association.
- The auditor conducts an audit within the terms set by the Members' Meeting, but not less than once a year.
- The meeting of members approves the annual report of the Association only after receiving the Auditor's opinion.
- Financial resources of the association and the procedure for their use
- The funds of the association consist of:
- members' money, target fees and donations;
- funds and material values, including in the form of loans received from other natural or legal persons in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory acts;
- other revenues and contributions that are not prohibited by the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia.
- The funds of the Association are used, based on the decision of the Board, to fulfil the goals of the program adopted in the statutes or at the Members' Meeting, as well as to cover expenses related to the maintenance of the Association's administrative institutions and ensuring their work.
- The funds of the association consist of:
- Termination and liquidation of the association
- Termination and liquidation of the Association shall be carried out in accordance with the "Law on Associations and Foundations".
- If a decision on the liquidation of the Association is made at the Members' Meeting, the Board shall, by its decision, determine the procedure for the use of the Association's property and financial resources and elect a liquidator or liquidation commission, which shall act in accordance with this Board decision.
- During the liquidation process, the liquidator transfers the remaining money and property to the institution designated by the Association's last meeting of Members, observing the restrictions set in the "Law on Societies and Foundations".
How to become a member